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In Fengshui aspect, Qi (energy) is the natural living energy that is found in the universe. Sha qi is a negative energy. So what are the external sha qi a house should avoid facing especially from main door, balcony and windows??


Look out :

  • Tall and big tree trunk or sharp structure such as pylon

  • Overhead bridge (the higher above the water level, the higher the sha qi)

  • Temple or sharp corner structure

  • Roof ridge or building ceiling

  • Edge of a wall or a structure

  • Long corridor (door facing door)

  • Gap between 2 buildings

  • The 5 element structures (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal or Water)

  • Lift door

  • Night lights



How to activate your house's wealth creation and well being sector from fengshui prospective ??


  • Locate the auspicious annual flying stars
  • ​Frequent use of the favorable health & wealth sectors;
  • Choose the favorable direction;
  • Placement of beds, work desk, stove and basin;







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Carol, your Chinese Metaphysics Consultant

Carol has been trained by few qualified and experienced Chinese Metaphysics teachers since 2011 on Bazi, Fengshui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Dates Selection

Take control of Your LIFE

Fengshui & Auspicious Date Selection

Fengshui can enhance your opportunities and overall well being.  Fengshui cannot guarantee illness can be cured or all problems go away.  However, Fengshui can be used to mitigate or prevent troubles and accidents, especially if you perform  fengshui audit in property selection prior to moving in.  Fengshui audit takes into account external landform, building and house unit qi allocation and residents' individual birth chart.

Before moving to your selected fengshui house, date & time selection for house move & bed placements is very important to ensure smooth move and for trouble prevention after move.  Besides, important events and activities such as ground breaking and renovation required professional date & time selection as well. 

Bazi (Birth Charts)

Annual reading gives you insight into favorable and unfavorable elements affecting individuals from career, business, relationship and health perspective.

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-22 at

General fengshui guide now till end of 2020 :

North East - nobleman sector. Great if main door and working desk in this sector
West -happy events and promotion. Great if  main door and work desk in this sector. 
South East - authority, power and recognition. Great if main door, office entrance and work desk in this sector. 
South West - great for academic pursuits. Good for romance and relationship too.
North West - wealth and cash creation through hard works. Great if main door and work desk in this sector.
North - legal dispute and quarrelsome
South -illness star but good for asset accumulation. Patient avoid this sector. If kitchen in this sector, cook less. 

East - calamity. Avoid activation such drilling, renovation, construction and partying, movement of bulky furniture in this sector in or outside your house. Place pure metal object ( weight 50kg) in this sector if big activity cannot be avoided. Must select auspicious date for placing the metal object.  If kitchen in this sector, cook less.

All Enquiries are welcome

Fee guideline (depending on scope of engagement):

1. Fengshui Audit - from SGD290 
2. Bazi Reading - from SGD89 
3. Date Selection - from SGD39 

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